Monday, September 19, 2011

Poetry of a Non-poet

Ok, so I am taking a poetry writing class....One thing that I am finding out - - - I am not a poet. However, for the delight of anyone who reads this, I will post the ones I have written thus far:
My very first poem, ever -

            About a Peacock Feather
Cerulean seduction of blind night
She flows tauntingly – a moth to light.
His emerald iridescence
Drawn by her grace and elegance
Cares not of potential sin,
While she battles turmoil, within.
Feather-soft whispers erase all doubt
As she bends to temptation without
A thought to the one at home
Who waits in silence – alone.
Now, an exotic, earthen scent
Belies her alibi of intent.
Ambrosial ashes – taste of rage
Nothing less than death can assuage.
Now, three are still, no more to sigh
Hauntingly portrayed by an unblinking eye.

Yep. not the best poem in the world, but at least it rhymes, sometimes... ;)

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