Thursday, September 22, 2011

Alice's Tulips by Sandra Dallas

I just finished another Sandra Dallas book and it was a good one! I go through phases of liking certain authors, and she is the one that I am hung up on lately. The previous book, The Persian Pickle Club, was just as good! I am not sure which was my favorite because they are very different. Alice's Tulips takes place during the Civil War. The entire book is just letters from one character, Alice, to her sister, Lizzie. It is amazing that such a complete story can be told in first-person and through letters to her sister! One of the things that I especially like about this book, is that it is uplifting without being idealistic. The character endures many hardships, including miscarriage, rape, and suspicion from neighbors, yet it is told in a way that does not turn the reader off from the story. I hope to read more Sandra Dallas books soon!
I also just finished Georgia Bottoms by Mark Childress. This author also wrote Crazy in Alabama, which I have yet to read. Georgia Bottoms was the funniest book that I have read in a long time. It is set in the early 2000's in Alabama, in a very small town. It follows the trials and tribulations of Georgia, a prostitute who denies that she is a prostitute because she only has one client each night of the week, for a total of 6 regulars. It sounds tasteless, but it is told with such hilarity, that one will love every bit of it! Definitely a must-read for women!
The Persian Pickle Club : 4 ****
Alice's Tulips : 3.5 ***
I wrote two more poems this week, but they are not among my favorites. However, I will add them in here for your entertainment purposes!
I have completed my first week of actually teachig Juniors and went very well. I have one more week to go and then I need to get it all recorded in that dreadful KPTP! Yuck....
Oh and the wedding is only 8 days away!! I am so excited for it to be here. There will be many people attending that I have not seen for a long time and even some that I have ever met! An added bonus to the whole shebang is that I am off work the entire week, even if I still have to teach. It is crazy to think that in a very short amount of time I will be Jessica Langenwalter, and have to spell my last name out every time someone asks! Haha. Ok, enough mushy stuff about the wedding....
The first poem was an assignment to write an indignant love least I tried...
The second was to write an ostentatiously fancy poem. I think its dull....

The Nerve!! 
You think I love you?!!
The one who does the dishes,
Sweeps, dusts, and scrubs,
All for you?
I only cook all your favorites,
Chocolate chip cookies and chili.
You really think I love you?!
Don’t I know your favorite cars,
All about them, down to the
Year, make, and model?
You think I love YOU?!!!
Well, hell yes, I do!

Petals of Divinity
Petals of luscious crimson
Gracefully alight upon
A carpet of forest green.
The Heavenly scent permeates
The crisp Autumn air
That delicately suffocates
The soul
Of all magnificent blooms.

1 comment:

  1. The fact that you are willing to post a poem is amazing. I can promise you, I couldn't/wouldn't be able to. I'm not strong in this genre, but I like what you have. Your words are interesting. I am curious as to the choice of capitalization. I didn't know if those words were more important... but it caught my eye. Your first girl does sound indignant - and a little pissed! (I would like you to now write his rebuttle....that would probably be funny!)
    I liked the PIckle book. Quick read, but such a lovely example of women friends.
